Lasani Trade Test & Technical Training Center Industrial Jobs in Riyadh 2024

 Job Openings at Lasani Trade Test & Technical Training Center, Riyadh and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Lasani Trade Test & Technical Training Center has announced a variety of vacancies in Riyadh and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as per the job advertisement published in the Daily Express Newspaper on June 15, 2024. Candidates with educational qualifications such as Bachelor, Intermediate, DAE, and Matric are encouraged to apply. Below are the details of the available positions and their requirements.

Available Positions:

  1. Steel Welder
  2. Helper
  3. Stainless Steel Welder
  4. Fitter
  5. Costing Officer
  6. Grinder Man
  7. Stainless Steel Fabricator
  8. Steel Fabricator

Application Deadline:

  • The last date to apply is June 23, 2024, or as per the closing date mentioned in the newspaper ad.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Preferred educational qualifications include Bachelor, Intermediate, DAE, and Matric.
  • Relevant skills and experience in the specific job roles are necessary.

Salary and Benefits:

  • The salary for these positions starts from 167000. Opportunities to earn more through overtime are available.
  • Additional benefits include transport, medical facilities, accommodation, and food during the job.

How to Apply:

  • Interested candidates should read the complete advertisement online to understand the application process and specific requirements for each position.
  • For roles such as welder and fabricator, using keywords like "what is the salary of a welding job in Saudi Arabia," "the line Saudi Arabia welding jobs," "welder jobs in Riyadh," "urgent jobs for copper brazer in Dammam," "expat welding jobs," "Eram engineering jobs in Saudi Arabia," "Saudi welding," and "Sounding job vacancy" can help find more detailed information.

For further details and to apply for the latest job opportunities at Lasani Trade Test & Technical Training Center, please refer to the full advertisement in the Daily Express Newspaper or visit the center's official application portal.

Stainless Steel Welder & Ginder Man Jobs 2024 Saudi Arabia

Category / Sector:
Matric | Intermediate | Bachelor | DAE
Vacancy Location:
Lasani Trade Test & Technical Training Center
Job Industry:
Job Type:
Full Time

Expected Salary:
167000 Rs.